Sunday 19 April 2020

SNU. ASU2. And while the CMYK screen still existed i figured it would be worth trying out colours that weren't Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. I went again into my childhood and used colours from the book "Wings on a Wednesday". This is a picture book about a little girl, Hatty, whose mother takes her to see Aunt Zoe every Wednesday. When they get to Aunt Zoe's Aunt Zoe says "fly out of the room like a good little bird and let me have a nice long chat with your mother". The little girl goes to see the cross parrot in the garden. The cross parrot has feathers of pink and pinky-orange; yellow and yellowy-gold; red and ruby-red. One day Hatty finds one and then another and she starts to build some wings. And then every Wednesday she really does fly. The feathers connect to the seagulls as yet no more than an idea and also the bronze feather that i kept trying and failing to make. 
Feathers also connect to Jon and the book has a theme of gardens, flight, escape, friendship, otherness, wonder, home. I guess these things tie in to my love affair with Jon. It is how it felt being with him. Creative paths like water are bound by that which surrounds them. Because remember the start of the SNU project began with giving Jon place, so that he was felt but not burdensome, could be without stopping me being. Coming back to the seed idea of a project is grounding, gives the project home. 
And at the same time as all of the past few blog happening were going on i was applying for exhibitions and other things and still working on the St Martin's collaborative project with the UEA Business School students. This involved, 2 more afternoon meetings at the UEA and a presentation at NUA. There was also a hoo ha going on all around about this time but i've blogged about it before so don't need to repeat myself. But thinking about home i made a small etching from a piece of glass i found on the pavement shaped like a child's drawing of a house and an embossed print that sadly broke the glass. 
A broken theme connects both the SNU and ASU2 projects and also, i think, the homelessness project. Broken hearts, broken bodies, broken trust, broken contracts, broken lives. 

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