Friday 17 April 2020

ASU2. In the same afternoon of the tutorial i let myself work with some mono printing ideas. I was trying to make a postcard for a charity auction and thought i had got something which when i tried it did not work. This happens. There is bad work and when it happens I thank heavens i am only an artist and not a brain surgeon or the president of the USA or even a hairdresser. If my work isn't good nobody's world will come to an end, the sky will not fall in. It is however frustrating and sometimes debilitating. It is ok if the bad run only lasts a little while, but if it goes on too long, a jigger of uncertainty sets in. Sometimes in this bit of time when nothing goes right it can feel like there is no point, the ugly work casts a dark pall over everything, later it may be that there are small ,nuggets of gold, or the beginning of something, but in that moment its hard to see. This happened that afternoon and it knocked my confidence for a few weeks. Later i discovered some little mono prints i had made thinking about the Pieta and i was quite pleased with them and ideas i tried out then came into play later, but that afternoon most of my work felt like dud work. I would like to do more mono printing to offset this knock. One afternoon of bad work is not a reason to not try again. Lets have a think about how that sits with the stations of the cross, Jesus falls for the first time. This stations of  the cross story could well be an allegory for life. There is a need to keep getting back up. And again there is a thread that connects my ASU2 with my SNU but again just thoughts building small bridges or asking for a short leap or a stretching of the imagination. 
In the same week the collaborative project group met to discuss ideas for a questionnaire to get information about people's attitudes towards homeless people. It was interesting working with the other students but not easy. I proffered the ask "what does home mean to you ?" i think if we are thinking about homelessness maybe that is a root question. 

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