Sunday 30 March 2014

The year has definitely slipped into spring now. My garden is full of flowers and is recovering from losing a tree which with a heavy heart I had felled a week or so back. Primroses and forget-me-nots have taken over from the snowdrops and violets and here and there a daffodil or a tulip shouts out "red" or "bright yellow". This is the time of year when my garden makes looking lovely seem effortless. As well as the ground level flowers the hazels are putting out soft leaves, the ferns are just beginning to unfurl, and the crazy pink camelia, that I inherited from a garden belonging to a woman called Carol Hardy in Harleston some 6 or 7 years ago, is putting on it's show. The plum trees are nearly done blossoming but the cherry is looking very promising and should be in full flower in the next week or so. And the bluebells are on the brink of doing their thing. In all this abundance I was inspired to take photographs, so here are leaves and a couple of buds and a forget-me-not. The nettles are from one of the several small patches I leave for the butterflies.

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