Thursday 20 March 2014

My primary pleasure at the moment seems to be reading, and the latest book is Barefoot in Mullyneeny : A boys journey towards belonging by Bryan Gallagher (pub Harper Collins). It was an easy read that slipped down like a hot cup of tea after a long walk on winter's day. A series of stories from his childhood and youth. It was fresh and uplifting. An eyes and heart wide open kind of book. From adventure to everyday each anecdote is written with a wonderful zest for life that so often gets crushed from following our own, or other people's, expectations and rules and boundaries. 
I can't find a specific quote because no one sentence or passage would represent the whole book. It's a book about country people and living in the country, and reading it you feel like you are right there in that small boy/young lad's body experiencing it with him. Pure joy.

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