Saturday 25 May 2013

I've been very focused on art over the past few months, what with it being the last little bit of my degree. This hasn't left me much time for any bodywork so it was with joy that I went to a full moon yoga workshop yesterday. My wonderful yoga teacher Lou, is about to go on maternity leave so this was my last chance to work with her for a while and it co-incided nicely with my hand in the previous week. The workshop aim was to offer us a chance to connect with our hearts. Lou began with about an hour of dynamic standing poses and sun salutations to get the blood flowing and  enable movement in our energetic system. She then dropped down the pace with slow poses and chanting and meditation. I've been very tired and a little tearful since hand in, burnt out and letting go of the past few years of intense study and great change. Being given a space to absorb and assimilate those years was just what I needed. This morning I feel fuller and happier than I have done for quite some weeks. Thank you Lou. 

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