Sunday 10 May 2020

ASU2. SNU. It is hard to know when this research really ended. I refer readers to my website for my portfolio submission to both units. But as hand in draws close and this and that and something else i hadn't thought of has to be submitted i'll admit to getting in a muddle. It maybe that my SNU practical work and research is mostly documented apart from some moulds and casts that i made after lockdown one of which is still drying in its mould at this moment. I am not sure where the tap chat with The Art Practitioner on instagram fits in but i know that it does. And all the while i am doing this i also have a mind on the work i am making for the Raveningham Sculpture Trail which may or may not go on on site but which i think is likely to happen online if it can't be the experience it was meant to be when the call for artists went out. 
I am making lumen prints with some old photo paper that a friend and fellow artist gave me a week ago and it is linking to the photographic prints because i am using some of the acetates and learning more about positive and negative images. The lumen prints are also the beginning of my masters project because my this terms work was always leading to my masters project and my mind had already cleared a path and stepped into that project before lockdown all it took were my footsteps to follow.
I am not sure if i have put in this blog the 3d prints of my boots. Then as i write that i remember i have. One of the positives about having to do hand in online, and believe me i have sworn about it too, and i'm still swearing and will be until it is done i daresay, is that it has forced me to document my process pretty extensively. I would have handed in my half a hundred or more prints for SNU and moulds and casts and 3d prints and a similar portfolio for my ASU2 and maybe that would have been better or maybe not, what is is. Certainly the feel of things would be different but i think i have grumbled about that in previous blog posts/ research file posts so enough said. 
But another thing that i struggle with and i guess there is no harm in saying it in a reflective journal or research file is that a lot of my work goes on in my head, i'll be running with more than one line of thought at any one time and i don't tend to write most of it down because stopping and writing tends to stop the flow. Having to relive it by writing it up afterwards has been interesting but is it the same as if i had written it at the time. In fact on this blog thread there is now two editions of the same story, the one that is pre-covid19 is the original and the one written up for hand in is the second edition and i haven't yet re-read either to know where they meet and where they part, what gaps i've left. As part of my MA path is to learn how to tell stories, the telling of this very ordinary unexceptional story over again gives me chance to see how a story gets edited as it is retold. This is particularly pertinent to the ASU2 module because it is dealing with the story of christ, birth to death to resurrection, but particularly the stations and so what i learn about myself i also learn about his story. 
The stations is interesting because the interpretations of this short part of his life (and death) have been made quite concrete by the body, the church, that grew up around the man. The gospels it is said were written some time after his death prior to that was the story passed from mouth to ear, how much is true ? When i was researching the stations i visited four different religious buildings to look at the images they had of the stations, most were quite similar but the first that i visited was not, it did not take the vatican story but made up its own modelled but not exactly following the churches line. I liked this work but i met at that church a cannon who said that he didn't like them and i understood. The discrepancy between the story thread of these modern interpretations and the older story did not invalidate them but made them a different thing. I hope that my two versions of my path from December to now are not too different to each other. But having to repeat myself i beg for patience and generosity of spirit from the reader.     

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