Saturday 28 March 2015

An exciting morning meeting the other artists on the Waveney River Sculpture Trail and the team of curators headed by Sarah Cannell. Initially we gathered in the cafeteria to say "hello" and "who are you what do you do" and then walked in small parties the pathways along which the trail will be happening. 
This was my first trip to the specific site and although I can see several places that might be suitable sites for my work I would like to revisit in a quieter space so that it can find it's place of residence gently.
I felt a little nervous initially but came home feeling generally more sure and happy to be part of such a lovely collaboration. The Waveney Valley has a most extraordinary, magical, feel-good vibe. How can I describe it ? It's like being picked up by a warm soft breeze and dropped in paradise. Oh, and there was a very, very tame deer, Ellie, that happened to walk the trail with us.  

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