Friday 19 January 2018

I wish i could write about the darkness that Jon's death has visited upon me, but I can't, so i''m posting a couple of images that are maybe, hopefully, part of my journey back towards a lighter place. 
I am struggling at the moment. It would be a lie to say otherwise.  I am trying to make sense of the past ten years, to filter, to sort, the good from the bad, to let go of that which is worthless, and hold, if holding is appropriate, that which was good, that which is worth holding. It's not easy. I feel lost and not in control. Every so often i'll find myself resting in a moment's sanctuary, but those moments are still mere moments. 
I am posting on my blog to document this time for myself, maybe to some it may feel like i'm boring on and should shut up, the scold and the boor in me act as gags, binds and beating sticks, and tho' i know these heavy censors would have me quiet and docile, i do not want them to break my spirit again. 
So the work i've been doing is scribbling really, here are a couple of images. They are notes for  larger projects; mapping the galaxy and inside my mind


  1. This work looks very interesting . I love your words and your images.

  2. Hi Rebecca. I should say I've been reading your blog posts, thank you for sharing.
    Your writing has really spoken to me at a time when I have needed it. Your openness and honesty; your raw, natural, beautiful and human expression has helped me feel less alone and in some way understood; determined not to be ashamed... Has helped me to work through some of my own feelings of grief and loss over the past few months.

    I am so sorry for your loss. I am thinking of you. Lots of love.

    Joanne Lausch
