So I've just got through the first weekend of opening up my workspace to the public as part of the Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios event. It's an interesting experience. I'm a bundle of nerves before hand, full of self doubt but by and large most visitors are lovely, some just drop in and that's fine, but others really engage and that's a delight. And then also friends come, and mostly they don't see my work laid out and on display because mostly I am doing and showing and when we meet we talk about other things that aren't work. I had thirty five human visitors and a family of chaffinches came pretty much up to my door lintel just before I opened on Saturday morning and a little red dragon fly came in and went out, these visitors felt like auspicious omens. I was very tired on Sunday evening I'm reclusive and solitary by nature and meeting people burns me up a little. But it's very much worth the trouble, it's good to get feedback on work, and to see what people like and respond to and what gets ignored. Anyways for my records I thought I'd post pictures of how my workspace looks this year

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